祢說 其實祢要的很簡單
就是一顆 單單相信祢的心
相信的心 是一種對祢的敬拜 ....
" This I know because God is for me" Psalm 56;9
其實我才發現 自己很多的問題
都只是因為 我不夠信祢
不夠信祢的主權 不夠信祢對我的愛
"My beloved child, when you are willing to exercise your faith, you will have the heavenly ability to soar with me, to soar like an eagle."
我常用自己的認知去看祢 去看事情
常用自己的理智去想 去分析
太用自己 結局只是 很多的fear 很多的束縛
You are the responder to my faith....
祢是一個仔細的神 祢更是一個簡單的神
是的 祢都知道
多少時候 不做什麼 比做什麼還要更困難
祢說 孩子啊 其實 我希望妳可以很輕鬆的
因為 我愛妳 所以我要幫妳run妳的人生
妳的人生 在我手中 比在妳自己手中 要好的多
因為我是愛妳的神 因為我最想把上好的給妳
祢熱愛我倚靠祢 祢熱愛我時時刻刻拉著祢
" In God, I will praise His word; in God I have put my trust." Psalm 56:4
In You, I put my trust to meet my needs. InYou, I put my trust to fulfill the desires of my heart.
because of different life experiences we have a strong distrust in our hearts- our hearts manifest stubbornness and willfulness- the product of distrust.
"Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You.
I said to the LORD, You are my Lord;
I have no good besides You." Psalm 16; 1-2
祢向我吹氣 使我的靈甦醒了過來
祢救了我 並且 abide in me
我的信心就是祢在我裡面 從沒離開過
我的信心就是 知道
You've promised. You've promised that You will lead me on...
我什麼都不用明白 因為我的人生 已經不關我的事情了
打從受洗那刻 祢就已跟我立了永約
從那時候開使 我的人生是祢的事情了 Yes! You take over
我可以閉著眼 though nothing is making any sense
let Your spirit guides me....take me to the place you want me to be
I surrender....yes, i surrender...
妳就只管在我裡面 讓我帶妳走....
"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, You are my servant ; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41;9-10